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The Parish of Woodplumpton
in the County of
-- Lancashire --

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St. Anne’s Woodplumpton
St. Anne’s Woodplumpton

The church is situated approximately 5 miles north west of Preston, Lancashire and situated in a rural area of Lancashire. It was once a chapelery of St Michaels on Wyre.

Woodplumpton, is recorded in the Doomsday book of 1086 and the church itself is thought to date back to the 12th century, due to evidence being found in 1900 when the vestry was being reconstructed. However the church records go back to 1552.

The architecture inside is very pleasing to the eye. Large arches dominate the nave, and beautiful stained glass windows can be seen around the church.

Still present to this day, next to the Lynch gate are the village stocks, used by the churchgoers in days gone by to mount and dismount their horses.

The Boulder covering Meg's Grave
The Boulder covering Meg's Grave

On entering the churchyard, at the side of the path, you come across a large grey boulder, which legend has, that in the 17th century an old woman by the name of ‘Meg’, was branded by the local people as a witch. She died apparentently by being crushed by a barrel in her cottage. She was duly buried in the churchyard, only to scratch her way to the surface on three occasions. Finally she was buried head downwards and the boulder placed on top.

On visiting the churchyard fresh flowers are often found on her grave.

Locals believe, that should you walk around the stone three times you will be granted good luck.

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