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The Church of St Stephen, Astley
in the County of
-- Lancashire --

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Memorial Inscriptions at the church of St Stephen
in the Parish of Astley

The map of the graveyard below is provided to give an idea of where the headstones are located. To obtain a larger image where the coded location may be read, click on the image below.

Plan of the graves at St Stephen's
Plan of the graves at St Stephen's

Key to the colour coded notation on the map

  These are tree markers to help locate the headstones.
  This is a four sided monument to Hewlett family, the inscription is listed below.
  This is in the garden of remembrance, a monument consisting of six marble slabs, the inscription is given below.
  These are the headstones that are raised above ground level, see the comments below.
  These are the headstones that are set into the grass, most of these are ledger type although some of these were originally vertical headstones which have previously been laid down to reduce the risk of damage.

General Notes

Four headstones in area ‘A’ are scattered in a wooded area and are generally broken and unreadable.

Location K29, this is a low chest tomb with plain sides.

Location R13, this is six foot high in total and consists of a square pedestal with rock above and open book resting on log headstone also at the foot of the grave it has a semi circular rock monument inscribed ‘Wm. DIGGLE’. This headstone is covered in ivy and badly worn and was difficult to read.

Location S23, this is a monument with hipped top headstone.

To the right of location L10 are two small ledger type headstones together, however only one is readable.

It should also be noted that there are a number of cases where the information on the headstone is not totally consistent with that recorded in the burial registers, or where a combination of both sets fo information can add clarity and understanding to a case of a worn headstone. These cases are indicated in the notes to the burials a and there is a table of these cases on the burials page.

Inscriptions on the Hewlett Monument

This monument is four sided, bearing the inscriptions below:-

Sacred to the memory of Revd Alfred Hewlett D D born 24th April 1804 died 10th June 1885 incumbent of this parish for 51 years also in memory of Rosa Johnson daughter of Alfred Hewlett entered into rest May 26th 1926. For I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified.

Sacred to the memory of Catherine Anne wife of Revd Alfred Hewlett D D vicar of this parish who departed life 23rd June 1882 in her 78th year. (PROV 31C 28V)

Sacred to the memory of Kathleen Hewlett Parker great grand-daughter of Alfred Hewlett born 9th Sept 1906 died 5th June 1993. Dearly loved by all who knew her.

Sacred to the memory of Alfred Johnson Grandson of Alfred Hewlett born 26th Nov 1869 died 19th May 1959 and his wife Alice Thynne died Oct 5th 1964.

The Hewlett Monument
The Hewlett Monument
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